Teach the Children to Listen

“Teach the children to listen.”

Those were the words my Principal often spoke at faculty meetings during my early days as a young teacher.

I realized as I observed my Principal, that before you can teach a child to listen, you first need to show them love and respect.

In the coming weeks, I plan on sharing more about what I learned as a teacher.


Writing on Glory

Writing on Glory

My writer’s group and I have been writing on the topic of Glory.

Recently, as I was praying about this topic, I thought about the words in the Bible, “for yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever. Amen.” taken from Matthew 13b (NKJV).

This statement is a doxology added in many versions of the Bible under the words of Jesus, where He teaches His disciples how to pray. Jesus modeled how to give honor to his Father in Heaven.

I wrote a poem about this topic, it will soon be posted on Christian Writer’s Circle.

Honoring My Mother

Honoring My Mother

A few days ago I saw a Facebook post from a man who used to go to my church. He was honoring his elderly mother in his post. What he shared touched my heart deeply!

This morning I was thinking about how Mother’s Day will soon be here and how I miss my Mother. I often reminisce about my childhood and special times I had with my Mother growing up. She was a people person, “never meeting a stranger.” Mother loved to reach out to neighbors. There was always a pot of coffee perked at our house, ready in case a neighbor dropped by.

I sometimes question myself, “Did I honor my Mother as a child and an adult?” I know I showed love to her. I hugged her lots. I listened to her directions and I tried to obey. Although like many adolescents and young adults I remember a period in my life when I didn’t appreciate my Mother enough. I strayed from the values she and my Dad taught me and modeled. Thankfully, In my early twenties I realized this and apologized. When I had children I tried to stress the importance of family and respecting our elders.

Today, though, I wonder, did I honor my Mother well? Maybe that’s one reason I dedicated this website to my parents and grandparents.

As May is the month for Mother’s Day, it will be fun to hear from you about how you honor or have honored your Mother. Please sign up so I may post your comments.

A Sign of Spring

A Sign of Spring

Hi Boys and Girls. I am happy you are checking out my blog.

A few days ago I took a picture of this robin in a nearby park. I remember when I was a child growing up in Cincinnati, OH, my mother told me, “If you see a robin it is a sign of spring.”

I want to find out more about robins and other birds because I’m going to write stories about them.

Will you please help me do some research?

Do robins migrate? I’m curious.

Share some facts you find out, and soon I’ll share some I discover.

Ask your parents or caretaker to sign up to follow this blog.

That way you can post what you find out.

What’s Important?

What’s Important?

Recently I came across this quote by Abraham Lincoln, and it touched my heart. It convicted me to consider what is important in my life.

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” – Abraham Lincoln

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